Synthetic Cannabinoids: Dangers, Legalities, and Origins
Synthetic cannabinoids, which are chemicals that have been created by humans, are similar to those found in marijuana. They can be smoked or inhaled depending on their form. There are hundreds of brands on the market, and many people mistakenly believe that they are legal and safe.
They are not considered safe, and some of them are even illegal. These so-called fake marijuana or fake weed are sometimes called liquid herbal incense, liquid incense, or even fake weed. Manufacturers mark them "not for human use" to avoid any legal consequences when selling them.
What they are
Cannabinoid is a term that refers to the chemical compounds found in cannabis plants, which are the source of marijuana. The best-known natural cannabinoids are delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), which is what makes you high, and cannabidiol (CBD), which has numerous medicinal uses and doesn't create a high. There are hundreds of other active substances in the plant.
Synthetic cannabinoids are chemically similar to those that occur naturally in cannabis, but at this time, no standards for manufacturing or selling them exist.1
They are often promoted as legal, safe and natural alternatives to marijuana. They can have unpredicted effects on the body and are often more dangerous than their natural counterparts. Some of these effects can even be life-threatening.2
Men in their 20s and those who have used multiple drugs are most likely to be exposed to synthetic cannabinoids.
How they work
Your body has a system named for processing cannabinoids, and it's called the endocannabinoid system. Special brain receptors are responsible for binding with different chemicals. Synthetic cannabinoids are able to bind with the same receptors that THC, so they have a similar effect on the brain.
Some synthetics have stronger bonds, so they have a stronger effect. The chemical composition of synthetics can change from one brand to another, or even from batch to batch, so the effect may be different every time you purchase them.
There are many dangers associated with synthetic cannabinoids, including rat poison.
Health effects
Synthetic cannabinoids have effects similar to marijuana on the brain, such as:
- Relaxation
- Elevate your mood
- Changed awareness and perception
- Psychosis (detachment of reality)
- Anxiety that may be extreme
- Confusion
- Problems with concentration
- Paranoia
- Hallucinations, delusions
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